Upcoming Seminar


Upcoming Events

Event 3-Day Workshop on Translation & Annotation of Scientific, Technical and Knowledge Texts
Description    The present workshop is organised as a part of the “Vidyaapati” project. The project is a part of the "National Language Translation Mission (NLTM): Bhashini”.  Within this framework, the Linguistic Research Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, organizes a 3-day workshop titled “Translation and Annotation of Scientific, Technical and Knowledge Texts”. The workshop will be structured into three days, with a balanced mix of lectures, hands-on activities, and group discussions.
Venue  ASU Seminar Hall, 8th floor, S.N. Bose Bhawan, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata
Date 5-7 March 2025
Target Participants  The workshop is open to academicians and researchers in Linguistics, Machine Translation, Machine Learning, Generative AI, Corpus Linguistics, Digital Humanities, and related areas. It is primarily designed for postgraduate students, research fellows, project fellows, young entrepreneurs, young faculties, and early career researchers. It is also open for government officials, corporate professionals, and independent researchers working or interested in machine translation and related areas.
Registration Link  Click here